Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My favorite time of year has officially begun! Fall started just a few short days ago and the temperature has finally decided to cooperate. Drew and I have slept with the window open for a few nights now and it's AMAZING!!

I have a few things on my plate for the next few days, but they all end with the start of FALL BREAK!!! We are doing something we used to do ALL the time when I was little-goto Crossville for Fall Break! Only this time, Drew and my mom and dad will be heading up to the Rose Family Reunion-which I am excited about, but also nervous about...I don't think I have been to a reunion since Papa died...maybe once like the next year or so, but not since then...

Dani is doing o.k. I think she is in quite a bit of pain, but I guess that's to be expected when you think about what her body has been through in the last few days!

off to bed with the husband...of almost a year already!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Danielle's surgery could not have gone better! The surgery was just around 4 hours or so and she was in a room less than 24 hrs post op. Prayers have been answered and more are requested for recovery...she is a fighter and will do more amazing things!

school update...
i now have 21 angels ;) and for a little while on tuesdays and thursdays i have 24 students with 3 of them being students with special needs-in addition to my 3 with special needs. It's been stressful and busy, but it's such a different kind of stress from last year...i have a bunch of work that i will have to do this weekend, mainly because i haven't done much of all this week!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I would like to introduce you to one of my best friends...she is also one of my husband's best friends...her name is danielle, although i usually call her dani.
she is an AMAZING friend and person, she went to lambuth with me, and worked at lakeshore with me, now she is finishing up school at mtsu and she works with a youth group in the boro.
she has 2 wonderful dogs and i just love her dearly.
just over a year ago dani found out she had heart problems...i went with her to one of her cardiologist appointments...we talked, we cried, we have laughed and so much more...
well on friday morning she is having her first surgery to fix her heart problem.
her cardiologist and surgeon are amazingly talented and she has a thermal blanket of prayers being sent up on her behalf but i ask you for more prayers, add to the thermal blanket of prayers so that she can feel the community that is praying for her and the entire medical staff!
i pray for a smooth and productive surgery with no complications and an even smoother recovery.

dani-if by chance you read this...i hope you know how much you mean to drew and i and i have gotten all my work done for friday and then next week so we will be leaving jackson as soon as i can walk out of my classroom tomorrow afternoon! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH and you have an ARMY OF PRAYER WARRIORS praying for you!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

just a few things for a LONG WEEKEND

*lesson planning
*julie and julia
*cleaning the apartment
*modify activities
*cuddle time with danielle
*trip to nashville
*selling books to mckays
*buying books at mckays
*netflix on the xbox
*sleeping late
*more lesson planning
*center activities
*trip to trader joes
*car ride
*clean out car
*grocery shopping

just a few things on my to-do list for the long weekend...no biggie-HAH!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hump Day!

I have made it over hump day, and it's a long weekend coming up...

I have so many different feelings right now than I did this time last year. Last year doesn't even begin to compare-from the very stressful job, to the getting the swine flu, to the planning a wedding, to the side effects from the swine flu and trying to go back to work to early, to the newly married life, to so many different things...I just cannot express how blessed and lucky I am to have done so much over the past year.

We have been in school for 23 days today...we count every day! It's hard to believe that I have already torn the 1st month off my teacher calendar off my desk...it's hard to believe that progress reports go home on friday...it's just hard to believe!

