Today has just been one of those days...My students, well about 75% of them, have just been horrible this week-absolutely horrible! I have grown up wanting to be a teacher and wanting my own classroom-wanting to teach kids and this week I feel like I am literally just babysitting...After having some conversations with some other teachers on my hallway I know that I am NOT the only one with these feelings right now-some of the teachers I teach with have been teaching for years and they ALL say that this is by far the WORST group of kids (overall) NOW, we do have some GEMS in the rough bunch and I am beyond grateful and thankful for those students because without them I really am not sure if I would make it until May! I write this really just wanting prayers, wanting help-wanting support! I know that I have it from my fellow teachers and I couldn't be happier about that!!
We have already made it past the "100th day of school" so we are officially on a downhill slide now!! May-HURRY!