I don't really know where to begin with this post...I have started, deleted, re-written, edited, deleted, and started over again and I am still not sure exactly where this will go, but I am determined to get it finished and posted!
So last July Drew and I decided to officially start trying to start building our family...struggled with cycles after coming off BC and went back to my NP in November. She started me on 1 round of Progesterone...had a cycle in late November. Nothing came of that...including no more cycles. She sent me to one of the OB/GYN drs. in the practice, saw him once, more blood work and no answers. Referral to fertility specialist in Memphis-high testosterone levels along with results from ultrasound combined and he officially diagnosed me with PCOS...not an end all, be all, not a death sentence, not a "you'll never have kids" sentence-but it typically is a "this makes it harder for you to get pregnant and stay pregnant" sentence...
Started on Metformin 1000mg a day and another round of Progesterone to start cycle...successful last month, but no pregnancy yet. Sonohysterogram done 4/15 and follow up visit for next month...
PCOS is just going to make it a bit more difficult, but after research and long evenings on YouTube and the internet I know that there is hope and that I am still blessed!