Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
*the weekend update*
*went to memphis on was really good to spend some time with my parents considering i haven't seen them in several and i spent saturday doing some shopping and bargain hunting at this place in bartlett...1/2 of 1/2 is this place where all the "damaged" goods from stores ann taylor will send it's damaged merch. to this company and they sell it for a fraction of the price. some of the stuff would be a GREAT DEAL for whoever got it while others were a complete rip off! mom and i both got a few things, several of mine were ann taylor and mom got several really cute tops...but overall it was a little, um, well, just not what i was expecting. they are closed each tuesday to restock and wednesday mornings are apparently THE time to i think mom and i are going to give it another try the wednesday morning that i am home for spring break!
*came home last night, it was so good to come home to drew...i had missed him (yes, i know i was gone for less than 24 hours...but still!) and we just spent the evening catching up on dvr'd showes and work...
*anna and george sang at church this morning, so drewby and i headed to alamo, tn for church this morning. they were so adorable up there with all of the other kids, george was entertaining the congregation as usual and anna was doing her best! it was great. after church the youth held a fund raiser bbq lunch where the money was going toward their world changers mission trip this summer and it was so good! the whole goldsby fam-minus ginger and the watts side-were eating together and that was great! tres, britt. and the kids goto a small baptist church in the small town that they live in and it was so awesome to see how every single person knew everyone else...everyone would "talk" with george as he showed off and "ate" his lunch, and everyone commented on how well each of the kids did-such an amazing thing to have a church community like that!
*drewby had to goto work right after church so i came home, worked on clipping coupons, worked on a meal plan for this week...then took a short nap and then headed over to lambuth for all sing. it's an event that happens each year for the greek organizations on campus. it used to be a HUGE event-like i'm talking HUGE, some groups would start practice before christmas break (and all sing has always been around this time of year), costumes would be created, and daily practice would occur-groups would work SOOO hard. when i was at lambuth alpha gam won all sing for the first time ever and it was awesome-but that hasn't happend in a while, but i went today, hopeful for atleast an entertaining afternoon and time to spend with people that i love. anyways, i went and was so surprised at the LACK of people there. it actually made me quite sad...there used to be hundreds of people there...standing room only, people sitting on the floor-HUGE EVENT...when i got there i was so say that there was plenty of room would be a HUGE understatement...anyways, i sat through some entertaining groups and then time came for my sisters...let's just say they KICKED BUTT!! after waiting for a little while longer they announced the winners...banner was a 3 way tie (don't agree, agd should have won that one...), most entertaining...AGD. then time for the 1st place...and who won might you ask...take a look at the picture below!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
first day of spring
We are going back to Tishamingo for the weekend after Drew's birthday-it's going to be a celebration weekend as well as a duclimer festival at the park-I AM SO EXCITED!!! I will post pictures very soon...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Living Prayer Center is an intercessory prayer ministry staffed by Christian volunteers across the United States. Submit prayer requests online (English or Spanish). Become a prayer volunteer by answering The Upper Room's prayer line for a period of time. Choose at least a 2-hour time-slot that fits your schedule and contact the prayer center staff.
O LORD, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD, you know it completely. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it.
Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night," even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you.
-Psalm 139:1-12 (NRSV)
Today's Scripture Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. -Psalm 139:4 (NIV) |
"DID you read my memo?" "It's all there in my e-mail." "I left a message on your voice mail." "I sent a text." Modern technology provides numerous ways for us to communicate with each other. Unfortunately, each of these methods also represents an opportunity for our messages and requests to get lost or to be ignored. For example, each time I send an important e-mail, I'm a bit nervous until I know that it's reached the intended recipient. Delivery isn't always a certainty.
Fortunately, we don't have the same worry about our prayers reaching God. God has already assured us that they do. Our petitions and our thoughts are known to God even before we can whisper them or pray aloud. There's no need for us to request a "message-received" reply. The way God acts on our requests may not be what we had in mind, but God knows them; the Bible assures us of that.
Communication here on earth may break down, but communication with God never fails. We can take comfort in the certainty that God receives our messages - each and every one of them.
Richard L. Mabry (Texas, USA)
Thought for the Day Our words to God never go astray. |
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Italian Chicken
Chicken breasts or tenders
1 large sour cream (You could use the low-fat or no-fat kind, I'm sure.)
2 packages italian dressing mix
1 Tbsp. chopped parsley
1 box Ritz crackers
1 stick of butter, melted
Wash the chicken breasts. Mix sour cream and italian dressing mix. Dip each breast into the sour cream mix and then roll into crushed Ritz crackers. Pour or gently brush the melted butter over the chicken breasts. Bake in a buttered baking dish at 350° over for the first half hour. Then, uncover and continue to bake for another half hour. Enjoy!
my sunday afternoon... the moment he is playing video games and i am working at the table trying to fight through lesson plans...we have 19 school days left until TCAP so I have to cram in an ungodly amount of information in these few days...and mix the "deadline" and the amount of information with 20 students who are tired of "THE TCAP" talk and who don't want to learn (many of my 6th graders just don't want to learn, they just don't have the desire and that is so depressing to me!) is just a stressful, action packed, horribly long next 2 1/2 weeks...but then SPRING BREAK! and once we get back from Spring Break, we have one last "prep" day and then TCAPS for 4 days...
...send up some prayers for drew please. i don't like that he is having to goto the doctor and have this procedure...and he wouldn't let me take the day off to go with him, so his mom is taking him, and he's gone through it before and he's not worried, and it's not a big deal but i would just like as many prayers as possible...he has done so much for me and taken care of me and i just want him to be safe and feeling great!
...back to the lesson planning now...hope you have a wonderful saturday evening!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday

...yes Mucinex, Kleenex, and a large Rasberry Tea from Sonic are my 3 best friends right now...i started to feel not so hot yesterday, but when drew and i got home from the gym i laid down on the couch for a little bit and then just felt like crap...congested, coughing and absolutly NO ENERGY...blah, i hate feeling like this, especially when I have SO much school work that i have to work on....
speaking of school work...i really need to get off the computer and work on grading papers, getting those grades in my gradebook and average grades for report cards to go out next Tuesday...
love all!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
what a long day...
so needless to say i was at school until about 5:30 working on that stuff and then i headed straight to the Y to workout...I haven't been in so long and it was good to get back, i really like going right after school...doing that doesn't allow me to get home and get even more lazy than i already am after school...
so after an almost hour workout i am at home, getting dinner ready, and getting ready to work on more school work-oh the joys of a teacher!
love all!
Monday, March 8, 2010
catching up...

I am going to back track quite a bit and do the Show us Your Life: Wedding Dresses...enjoy!

here we go again
I have been reading several blogs over the past few years and will try my hardest to keep this updated and entertaining to those of you who actually read my blog...
Just to start I want to post one of the recent devotionals that I have read...
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.
-Colossians 3:16 (NRSV)
I recently accepted a job that requires me to travel in unfamiliar territories. I've never enjoyed driving and particularly dislike traveling by myself on busy highways. I am afraid of getting lost.
In anticipation of my first trip, I purchased a portable Global Positioning System (GPS). I had no time to try it out before leaving, so I packed it carefully in my bag, said a quick prayer, and headed towards the bumper-to-bumper traffic of the Los Angeles freeways.
It took a little time to set up the GPS and to become comfortable trusting the system. Eventually, though, I came to depend on it when I did not know the way. Having its guidance was reassuring as I made my way from store to store.
Being in fellowship with other Christians is a bit like having a spiritual GPS. We know where we are trying to go, but we are not always certain of our next step. In times of joy or confusion or when we come to a crossroads in our faith, our fellow travelers help to guide us on our way.
Lee Ann Carr (Florida, USA)
Thought for the Day On my spiritual journey, who has helped me to find God's way? |
- 1st (1)
- ake (1)
- Meal Plan Monday (2)
- Teaching (1)