...at the moment he is playing video games and i am working at the table trying to fight through lesson plans...we have 19 school days left until TCAP so I have to cram in an ungodly amount of information in these few days...and mix the "deadline" and the amount of information with 20 students who are tired of "THE TCAP" talk and who don't want to learn (many of my 6th graders just don't want to learn, they just don't have the desire and that is so depressing to me!) is just a stressful, action packed, horribly long next 2 1/2 weeks...but then SPRING BREAK! and once we get back from Spring Break, we have one last "prep" day and then TCAPS for 4 days...
...send up some prayers for drew please. i don't like that he is having to goto the doctor and have this procedure...and he wouldn't let me take the day off to go with him, so his mom is taking him, and he's gone through it before and he's not worried, and it's not a big deal but i would just like as many prayers as possible...he has done so much for me and taken care of me and i just want him to be safe and feeling great!
...back to the lesson planning now...hope you have a wonderful saturday evening!
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