I have so many mixed emotions right now...school is ALMOST over-just 2 days left and it's 2 days left filled with packing, moving, more packing, parties, and coneball tournament!!
i had so many expectations and dreams for my first year of teaching. i have grown up dreaming of kids bringing me apples and gifts and cards and pictures and running up to me giving me hugs things like this, and this year everyone of those expectations have been squashed. i have dreamed of walking into school-loving every minute of it, coming home beaming-telling stories of my kids, end of the year parties, other holiday parties...all of the above. well most of these have been squashed.
this year has been filled with tears, anger, fear, and so many other things this year has been so difficult, as i sit here thinking about my end of the year party that i have planned for tomorrow i am thinking how grateful are these kids really going to be...are these kids really going to appreciate the time money and energy spent and then i am reminded why i teach-to give kids the love and compassion that they may or may not get at home, and in the case of many of my students, the love they DON'T get at home, so even if not one of them says thank you or helps it's all done to show them love, to show them that someone cares for them...