*put a deposit down on a new puppy-who is actually a puppy, just getting weaned off mom...rescue dog from covington, her name is Darling (we're going to call her Darla...even if Drew doesn't like it;) )
*went to memphis, visit with my family
*now, drew and i are spending the day cleaning and organizing and throwing away stuff we don't use/need, we have to get this apartment PUPPY proof we are picking up Darla next Monday
*only 5 days of school left before Christmas break-where in the world has the school year gone??
that's just about it, atleast for the big stuff...I need to go back to folding and putting away laundry...
Oh, and it's SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The temps are supposed to be in the teens tonight and tomorrow, with a windchill at or below freezing...I am so hoping to have a day off tomorrow, last year they canceled school because of the cold temps and kids waiting for the buses, so lets HOPE that she cancels school again, I could so go for a day off to continue working in this apartment...maybe even organize the front bedroom...
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