*Was called into the office and given a letter and told that "even though my teaching strategies were great" I was just not good enough for this man and that I would not be teaching ANYWHERE in the JMCSS for the next school year...oh, and this was in the MIDDLE of the school day, on a Friday when I was supposed to be going to a wedding the next day...great timing sir...
*Had to finish out the school year (almost 3 full weeks...) and instead of finishing up plans for the next school year (which I had already started...) I had to figure out how I was going to pack my room up and where I was going to put all of my stuff...not a fun way to end a pretty amazing school year!
*Fast forward several weeks into the summer, no luck with jobs ANYWHERE...
*Keep fast forwarding towards the VERY end of the summer...had several interviews, no luck, I really think that the principal ran my name into the ground because he didn't like me and because i did not like to play his games...but whatever!
*I get an interview with the middle school principal form a nearby county where my brother in law teaches...this call was on a SATURDAY and Drew and I were at Pickwick...the principal was like, just come by when you can...turns out we couldn't get back until Sunday, so I had an interview at this principal's house on a Sunday afternoon...LOVED him, he liked me, but in the end, I didn't get the position (supposedly political things within the county...)
*Schools have started, still no job, getting ready to head down to unemployment office and apply at Target...
*Name is on the sub list for several surrounding counties, and I get my first sub position-a several week long position in the same county that I just talked about...it was for 2nd grade, LOVED the environment, the position, the kids, the teachers, it was a GREAT experience...
*Get a phone call from the same county that i interviewed for the middle school...for an opening teaching part time for the adult education program...not what I had in mind, not what I ever though I would do, had an interview, had to think and pray...after thinking and praying and weighing my choices I decided to take it...
*Spent the next 4 months learning the ropes, LOVING the job, making a difference, getting praise, just all around WONDERFUL...
*Right before Christmas break I get a phone call from my present boss who was at a board meeting (I am teaching my adult ed classes...) and she tells me that there is a position at the middle school (the one that I interviewed with at the end of summer...) that would give me full time status and I would get to keep my adult education job...WHAT!?!
*The day before we leave for break I have an "interview" with my current boss and the middle school principal we decide that it's possible and that it's going to benefit me the most! I start right after Christmas break!
So I go from nothing to everything, and an amazing situation, I am truly blessed and in love with where I am right now...I think that I eventually want to get back into the elementary classroom, esp after I finish my Masters with SPED endorsement...but for now, this situation is ideal for me!
God truly has a plan, He had a plan before that principal EVER decided he didn't like me...
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