I was just reading an article with some pictures about a little boy with MD who is wheelchair bound and will never walk or really do much of anything on his own...a photographer did the "lay on the ground-i stand above you" trick like I've seen with wedding and engagement pictures-but these were different. He photographed the little boy doing things that he will never get to do in real life. He did one of him playing basketball, skateboarding, diving, flying away with a balloon, break dancing, and more...I thought the pictures were wonderful and started reading some of the comments-one person wrote "God Bless this little boy" or something along those lines and then another comment said something along the lines of "don't bring God into this-if God was in it, then the boy wouldn't be suffering" This person's comment got me thinking-really thinking...God does allow "bad" things to happen, and sometimes when we are close to the "bad" situation, we don't see that God allows this-we don't see that God is still right there with us. It's hard to see that God has a plan-even if we don't see it-he's got one, it's our job to believe, have faith, and trust in Him to do His work!
So through all of these tragedies happening in the last few months-as well as some tragedies close to home-GOD BLESS
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