So much for being consistent with this...GAH! I want to keep this up so bad, but I am just so bad about doing it! The school year has begun and my routine is pretty much set. My fall semester of 2 graduate level on-line classes has begun and Drew has started his fall semester as well! Drew took and passed his National EMT boards the FIRST time-which is apparently very difficult to do! I have been so proud of the work he has put in and now he can say that he HAS accomplished this, not it's looking for a job, and finishing up the prerequisites he needs to start Respiratory Therapy school next fall! Summer came and went VERY quickly-way too quickly! I was able to do both camps at Lakeshore, along with the preschool VBS at church and many other things-I just feel like my summer zoomed by and I missed it! I have started by with weight watchers but have not done a very good job so far-it's just been very difficult with the new routine, having a HUGE spot of plantar's warts on the bottom of my foot and pure laziness on my part. I hope that since I was just "released" from the podiatrist that I can get back to working out so that I can shed these pounds! I have gained almost 40 pounds in the almost 3 years since our wedding, and really just over the last few months-I feel like crap because I know that I am not healthy like I should be! I did my BMI the other day and just about had a heart attack-it was HORRIBLE!!!!!! Last time I attempted Weight Watchers I posted my weight on here and actually did a pretty good job, maybe I will try that again and see if it works-I'll think about it and if I decide to, that will be a completely different post! Some awesome news from this summer-one of my best friends-Sarah-got engaged! Wahoo!!!! The wedding is planned for November and I am a bridesmaid and Katie and I are throwing them a couples-cookout shower for September, could not be more excited for these two! Working at the middle school and adult ed is such a roller coaster, I LOVE AE, but was told that next year the funding won't be there to keep me 1/2 and 1/2 so basically I can either keep my AE position and only teach part time, or I can start looking for a classroom position for full time-I have to look at the full time positions-money and insurance is key right now! BUT-my AE boss has already offered me the night class teaching position for next year, so I will get to stay with AE teaching 3 hours each Monday night-pretty pumped about that!! And both, my AE boss, and principal at the middle school have both told me and or made hints that it won't be a problem finding me a classroom position next year! MY AE boss is even going to talk to the principal at Alamo elementary for me-her sister teaches there and i did a month long sub position there and LOVED the school-that would be amazing if God opens that door for me! But for now, I am going to take this school year one week and one day at a time and just trust that God will give me what I need! Now that I have rambled on FOREVER with no paragraphs or anything-whoops-I am going to end this for today-expect more posts, expect updates, I am going to try and make this a priority for me-however i have to do it!
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