So last night, Drew was on his way home from the bank and saw a little puppy walking on the side of the road-no collar, nothing. So he drove around for a minute and the puppy was still there with no one out yelling or looking for him (that he could see)so he went back and picked the puppy up. He said that as soon as he walked up to her, she rolled over on her back for him to rub her belly! AHHHHHH-so Drew calls me and is like, "um, I have a dog in my lap" I looked around for Darla (even though I knew he wasn't talking about her) and just told him, to come on home and we'll make fliers to put up. He walks up holding this little adorable yorki puppy-like full blooded, pretty looking yorki! We left to goto dinner with some friends so we left, listening for someone to be yelling for her and put up signs as we left the neighborhood...went to dinner, left her in the truck (it wasn't hot at all) then went to the pet store to get a tiny leash so we could at least walk her to take her potty...So far, no calls. Drew was taking her to our vet today just to get her checked out so we can let Darla get to know her. I have already fallen in love with her and so has Drew! Here is the cutie-patootie sitting on my chest last night while we watched t.v....

Drew has already told me that IF no one claims her that we can keep her, so I hope that if her owners love her and are looking for her, that they find her, but if not, I am SO HAPPY-I get my lap dog!
We'll see, trying not to get my hopes up...
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